Officer Election


The EDS Officers comprise of four positions, namely, President, President-Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary. At this time, we are soliciting nominations from our full voting BoG members for the following three positions for 2024 & 2025.

Position                                           Term Length                                   Year(s) to Serve

President-Elect                              Two Years                                       2024 & 2025

Treasurer                                        Two Years                                       2024 & 2025

Secretary                                         Two Years                                       2024 & 2025


As a reminder, the current Officers whose terms are expiring in December 2023 are:  President-Elect, Bin Zhao; Treasurer, Roger Booth; and Secretary, MK Radhakrishnan. The President-Elect assumes the position of President in 2024.

We encourage you to submit nominations for these three positions. Any member of the Society in good standing who has previously served for at least one year as a BoG Member or ExCom Member, and is not otherwise precluded from running by the EDS Bylaws, may be nominated.  The electees are expected to attend the two annual BoG meetings.  Partial travel support is available to attend BoG meetings.

If you are interested in participating in this important process of the Society, please complete the EDS Officer Nomination Form by October 15, 2023 and ensure that your nomination meets the endorsement requirements as described below.  The EDS BoG Election will take place on Sunday, December 10, 2023 in San Francisco, CA in conjunction with the IEDM. 

The nominator must be a current EDS Officer, Sr/Jr. Past President or a BoG Elected Member at Large.  The nomination must be endorsed by two full voting BoG Members as defined above. It is highly recommended that an endorser writes a formal letter of endorsement highlighting the qualifications of the nominee and his/her potential contributions to EDS as an Officer.

There is no restriction on the number of endorsements that you can make.  Please note that each BoG voting member can only nominate one candidate for each Officer position.  Also, you cannot nominate or endorse each other for an Officer position.

It is required for the candidate to submit a two-page resume for the nomination.  President-Elect candidates must prepare a statement outlining their vision for the Society and how they intend on realizing this vision during their tenure as an EDS President. Their past contributions to the Society are an essential part of this statement. Candidates for Treasurer and Secretary are not required but are encouraged to submit brief statements not exceeding 150 words outlining why they would like to run for the position.

I want to thank you for considering taking part in this important process which will shape the IEEE Electron Devices Society for years to come. As a volunteer-led and volunteer-driven Society, we appreciate your continuing contributions to EDS and to the professional development of its members. If you are a potential candidate and would like to discuss the expectations for and time commitment of an EDS Officer, please do not hesitate to contact me at  Thank you very much for your continued support for EDS.

Cary Yang

Chair of EDS Nominations & Elections


Secretary Job Description


Deadline for Nomination Submission: October 15, 2023