Prof. Michael Shur

Michael Shur is Patricia W. and C. Sheldon Roberts Professor at RPI. He received MSEE Degree (with honors) from St. Petersburg Electrotechnical Institute, and PhD. and Dr. Sc. Degrees from A. F. Ioffe Institute. He is Fellow of the US National Academy of Inventors, IEEE, APS, OSA, SPIE, ECS, IET, MRS, WIF, AAAS, and Member of Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi, ASEE, MTT, Sigma Xi, and Humboldt Society. Professor Shur served as Member-at-Large of the IEEE EDS Board of Governors, Vice-President of IEEE Sensors Council, Chair of the URSI US Commission D, and Associate Editor of IEEE ED Transactions. He is Editor-in-Chief of IJHSES and book series on Electronics and Systems, Member of the Editorial Board of physica status solidi, the Honorary Board of Solid State Electronics, and JSTS International Advisory Committee. He is Foreign Member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, and Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE EDS and IEEE Sensors Council. Dr. Shur is a co-founder and a former Vice-President of Sensor Electronics Technology, Inc. He received Tibbetts Award for Technology Commercialization, St. Petersburg Technical University and University of Vilnius Honorary Doctorates, IEEE Sensors Council Technical Achievement Award, IEEE Donald Fink Best Paper Award, IEEE Kirchmayer Award, Gold Medal of the Russian Education Ministry, van der Ziel Award, Senior Humboldt Research Award, Pioneer Award, RPI Engineering Research and Outstanding Engineering Professor Award, Wiley Award, and several Best Paper Awards.